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    The general objectives of the EUGENA are to support the ex situ conservation and sustainable use of AnGR and facilitate the implementation of the FAO’s GPA and the Nagoya Protocol for ABS in Europe.

     objectives imageThe specific objectives of EUGENA are:

    • to support genebanks in European countries to fulfil their individual roles and objectives;
    • to improve monitoring and assessment of AnGR kept in ex situ collections in European countries by sharing information on genebank collections;
    • to improve genebank operations and procedures in European countries by sharing information;
    • to use synergies for ex situ conservation and sustainable use of AnGR by joint activities of genebanks in European countries;
    • to increase the efficiency of ex situ conservation and sustainable use of the genetic diversity of transboundary breeds;
    • to promote harmonization of acquisition and access terms for ex situ conservation and sustainable use throughout the genebanks in European countries;
    • to facilitate a quality improvement of the genebanks in European countries;
    • to create an element of the European research infrastructure for conservation and sustainable use of AnGR;
    • to facilitate a regional European approach for international cooperation and exchange of AnGR in the context of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol for Access and Benefit Sharing.
    • to support countries in the achievement of target 2.5 of the SDG 2, and in the monitoring of indicators SDG 2.5.1.b and 2.5.2.
    • to facilitate the implementation of the exception for movements of germinal products between genebanks in different countries of the EU, foreseen in Regulation 2020/686.
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